Soulmates and Twin Flames, twin flames union

Twin flames Runner: Why do they Run?

Twin flames Chasers are always trying to correct and help the runner find their way. The dynamic energy changes.

1111 is very spiritual and represents symbolic energy. 11/11 is a very powerful number in numerology. This is considered the master number. You may see 1111 pop-up sporadically. You may see them on clocks, microwaves, watches, license plates, smartphones, and many other places. You may be asking yourself: Is this a message from the universe? Is my Twin flame sending me a message? What does this all mean? Am I going crazy with seeing 1111 and other numbers? Is there a way I can find out? Many times you will see these numbers pop up randomly as they are giving you a message, you’re coming into alignment with your divine counterpart spiritually. What does 1111 mean for Soulmates and Twin flames? In addition to the planetary aspects and numerology. 1111 is also the master number for divine partners. It represents that someone is connected to you and it is reciprocating a telepathic communication back-and-forth. So the messages may not be clear, you are definitely getting confirmation that something is about to happen and you’re feeling this energetically. It’s a very powerful energy transition for these next few months, as an awakening portal is opening up many different types of psychic energy for divine counterparts. This is an excellent time for your spiritual practice. This includes giving and getting a psychic reading, crystal healing, energy healing, and Reiki. It’s an excellent time to start meditating and becoming more grounded with your higher self. This will open up a higher-minded sense of spiritual communication to your higher self. This will also create a very mystical and magnetic experience with your divine counterpart. As you were meditating, be sure to smudge your room with Sage and light up a white candle. As we start April next week, Springtime energy is here. This is also an excellent time to create a new vision board or a new planner for the Spring/Summer or Autumn/Winter. Writing down everything that you’re visualizing and the goals you want to pursue for the rest of this year. Putting only positive intentions on what your heart desires. Writing 1111 in your planner or on your vision board. Knowing that this is a master manifestation that is going to bring good karma and good luck into your life. So the next time you do see the number is 1111, make sure that you take a note and make your wish! This is an instant powerful vibration that helps you achieve a higher level when you see the number is 1111. Self-care day This is another great opportunity to bring your vibration to an upgraded level. Focusing on self-care, and starting something new. Spring or Autumn is a great time to change things up a bit if it’s at a few highlights or low lights in your hair. Buy a new outfit or even just giving yourself a facial. He will be bringing up your vibration and attracting new beginnings with love in your life. So start putting these things on your calendar, make an appointment for yourself, this is going to be your day or even your week. You deserve it! If you are going through a situation in your life and have a question about your Soulmate or Twin flame or romantic interest. Just fill out the form below for one free question.

Making contact with your Twin flame, something very magnetic and magical happens. 

You are face-to-face with your other half. Though you both may not know what to do next. Twin flames know that this intense energy that they feel is drawing them both closer together.

It is that magnetic surge of energy that is pulling you both together. A beautiful and amazing feeling that you feel, although one Twin may not be able to understand why they are feeling so drawn to someone that they don’t really know.

This causes them to run, because of fear. When they do, it creates pain and heartache to the chaser, But knowing in their heart that they must convince and let the runner know that they truly love them.

This is how the runner and Chaser stages begin.

Why are twin flames running from each other?

The problem with Twin flame Runner and Chasers is that they go through a series of transformations internally. Many times it comes from their ego and their fear of failure. Not allowing their love to carry them deeper. They have to love themselves in order to come into a divine union.

Twin flames understand to complete.

There are so many questions about Divine counterparts (Twin flames and Soulmates) on their spiritual purpose. Twin flames and Soulmates are part of the Soul Connection Collective. Soulmates, we have more than one and they all serve a different purpose throughout our lives. Twin flames, on the other hand, you only have one. Divine counterparts can feel a dynamic energy vibration pulling them together as soon as they walk into one another’s eyes. This magnetic gaze is very intense. This energy will be completely different and extreme than you’ve ever experienced in your life. You can feel the energy growing and many times, it can be very overwhelming during a full moon or an eclipse. Divine union Everybody dreams of having a romantic relationship with the divine counterpart. But there is so much more when it comes to meeting your Divine counterpart. You can be in the most beautiful romantic relationship and also the most painful and intense one. The ego automatically goes into the 3-D and many times, there is a push and pull surge of energy that makes it difficult for them to be together, causing a painful separation. This can feel as if it’s the most painful situation you’ve ever felt, and there is nothing that can take the place of your Twin flame. This person is on your mind constantly. Divine counterparts help one another open up past wounds and heal them. Making them both realize what their own mistakes are and correcting them. This is part of a release and surrendering in order to come to a union in the 5D level. Twin flames process stages. Twin flames brought together. They energetically work on themselves simultaneously and correct their own faults and mistakes. They both need each other in order to manifest a connection. They both need to be ready and open to their union. What is their Soul purpose? Everyone thinks that Twin flames are the ultimate sole bond connection. Yes everyone is searching to be with their Twin. Yes, it is a very beautiful and intense energy that they share together and it is something you’ve never felt before. They can do more for the greater good on earth together as a couple (romantic or not), they need one another. But before they can reach total bliss with one another. They need to work on themselves to get things right. Twin flames energetically reach the 5D level when they are together but are automatically pulled back into 3-D when they need to do the work on themselves. This is when they become their authentic self. Twin flames go through challenges before they finally become balanced? There is a separation that happens before the union. This is part of their challenge of release and surrender in order to find their inner truth. Ego is the biggest culprit when it comes to opening their heart to their other half. When they are not completely merged together, there’s no harmony, and the main reason why is that the separation phases for Twin flames. This is often called the Runner & the Chaser stage. Understanding their ego. Ego can prevent them from gaining strength in order to connect and serve others. During the beginning, Twin flames are faced with a series of tests and challenges as they release egotistical power over themselves and let go of negativity. They struggle as they learn how to harmonize with one another. Twin flames do have a higher calling with each other and to serve the world and heal themselves. Twin flames can connect telepathically. Twin flames are able to retrieve and send messages to one another telepathically. Although it is not a physical voice, it is felt through energy, and many times through meditation and through visions. Twin flames are not meant to be codependent on one another or feel pain, but they are meant to help one another find themselves and manifest divine union. Twin flames work on each other energetically and accelerate as they amplify their connection to the 5D level.

This is part of their life lesson to get through these tests to fulfill their life lesson.

Many times when your Twin flame runs without warning and you have no idea of the cost. In your mind you believe everything was perfect in your relationship and you did nothing wrong. Or maybe they have issues with committing, that the love is there but they cannot take it to the next level.

There is a reason that all of this happened. This is a mirror of you both and it goes right back to ego-based energy. Showing you both that you both are not ready and that you need to work on yourselves.

You are the mirror of each other and everything that you do for yourself, influences your Twin. If you’re feeling anxiety about the situation wondering what you did wrong or why they are so distant. You have to understand that it all comes to divine timing when twin flames are brought to a divine union.

Twin flames Runner and chaser stages – The dynamic energy changes.
Making contact with your Twin flame, something very magnetic and magical happens. 
You are face-to-face with your other half. 
Though you both may not know what to do next. Twin flames know that this intense energy that they feel is drawing them both closer together.

It is that magnetic surge of energy that is pulling you both together. A beautiful and amazing feeling that you feel, although one Twin may not be able to understand why they are feeling so drawn to someone that they don’t really know.

This causes them to run, because of fear. When they do, it creates pain and heartache to the chaser, But knowing in their heart that they must convince and let the runner know that they truly love them.

This is how the runner and Chaser stages begin. These roles can actually be reversed and both twins can become runners.

Why are twin flames running from each other?
The problem with Twin flame Runner and Chasers is that they go through a series of transformations internally. Many times it comes from their ego and their fear of failure. Not allowing their love to carry them deeper. They have to love themselves in order to come into a divine union.

Twin flames need to understand that there’s work that needs to be done on themselves in order to feel complete.

A Twin flame Runner is not happy with running away, they are lost and confused souls.
Twin flame Chasers are always trying to correct and help the runner find their way, but this is part of their life lesson to get through these tests to fulfill their life lesson.

Many times when your Twin flame runs without warning and you have no idea of the cost. In your mind you believe everything was perfect in your relationship and you did nothing wrong. Or maybe they have issues with committing, that the love is there but they cannot take it to the next level.

There is a reason that all of this happened. This is a mirror of you both and it goes right back to ego-based energy. Showing you both that you both are not ready and that you need to work on yourselves.

You are the mirror of each other and everything that you do for yourself, influences your Twin. If you’re feeling anxiety about the situation wondering what you did wrong or why they are so distant. You have to understand that it all comes to divine timing when twin flames are brought to a divine union.

Twin Flames Awakening
Not everyone will wake up at the same time spiritually.
A spiritual awakening will happen at a time without expecting it. When we go through a spiritual awakening we will start to understand everything that was unclear. Wanting to take responsibility for everything that we have never done.

Where the runner may be afraid and not ready to stand up for themselves. This causes them to run and fail to acknowledge their inner truth.

Twin flames runner negative energy
The runner feels just as much pain as the chaser but tries to ignore it.
They don’t know how to express what they feel so they just run from it but it’s never permanent.

The twin flames runner chaser connection does come to an end and they both can come to our divine union.

This is the time they both become stayers. This is not something that can be predicted, sometimes they will go through years being separated from their twin. Everyone’s situation is different and unique Soulmate and Twin flame Unions can never be predicted.

We have to work on ourselves to correct karma. Developing our spiritual abilities (we all have them) and learning to truly love ourselves. In the meantime it is not meant to be unhappy waiting for your Twin flame to come to an awakening. We are sent people in our lives to help us complete our Soul purpose.

We all have more than one soulmate, these are choices that only you can make when it comes to finding your true happiness.

Twin Flames Awakening

Not everyone will wake up at the same time spiritually.
A spiritual awakening will happen at a time without expecting it. When we go through a spiritual awakening we will start to understand everything that was unclear. Wanting to take responsibility for everything that we have never done.

Where the runner may be afraid and not ready to stand up for themselves. This causes them to run and fail to acknowledge their inner truth.

Cut ties with your divine counterpart.IS IT POSSIBLE TO CUT TIES WITH YOUR TWIN FLAME?This has been a very popular question for many. People every day try to cut away from their Twin flame or disconnect the connection. But it actually causes more pain and heartache. Karmic connections can actually mimic a Twin flame connection. Many times a karmic connection is sent to you to help you to move forward and prepare you for a divine union with your Twin. Many have called this a false twin, which does not truly exist.If it was never truly your Twin, to begin with, there’s no sense in calling it a false Twin. Twin flames originate from one divine soul source and then split into two separate souls. This all happened prior to your incarnation. Many times, there are different situations and cases that may cause challenges with coming into the union. Remember the Twin flame connection is about coming into union with your other half.Cutting ties and disconnecting cannot happen successfully.  It can be a mind over matter that you find yourself thinking less and train yourself not to focus on your Twin if there is separation. But no one has ever successfully cut the ties. Not even in the afterlife WHY SEPARATION?This is another very popular question. Why do Twin flames need to go through separations when their love is unconditional? With everything happening especially in today’s world, the separation is part of finding their soul truth and higher self to evolve spiritually. Once they are ready, they are able to merge together as one.  You say easier said than done.Being separated is not supposed to be a painful time, but actually healing and releasing from past emotional wounds. This happens for both Twins, and though it seems one gets the bad end of the stick, it’s actually both of them who are feeling exactly the same amount of heartache and pain.  DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH WORK NEEDS TO BE DONE, THIS IS WHERE THE PAIN CAN INTENSIFY.Getting ready for the union. There are many people who try to disconnect these ties but found that they were unsuccessful and are back to where they started, by feelings more pain and hurt.Know that you can’t successfully cut the ties from your divine counterpart or disconnect. Coping with the situation and dealing with the healing process is the key to a union and peace within yourself. The main purpose of coming together with the Soul connections is to open up their souls to one another and gain the strength of the energy of love they feel for one another. But in order to do this, they must release the emotional dysfunctional energy that they carry without realizing it. There is a silver cord attached to the seven chakras for Twin flames. They experience a high 5G frequency more than any other soul connection. The purpose of them to come together is to help and balance the greater good.THEY NEED TO FIND INNER PEACE AND TRUTH.They cannot live under the same roof if there is dysfunctional negative energy that they carry. This is the main reason why separation is so necessary for them to release and surrender until they are ready. This is a healing process because they are the other half of one another and need to awaken.They correct inside each other what is necessary in order to open and align their energies together as one. Disconnecting or cutting the ties with your Twin flame will feel as if you were amputating a part of your soul center. I know this sounds extreme, but it’s all about working on yourself to make things right and find forgiveness and love unconditionally for yourself. You also are being tested with many life lessons, as both of you go through this process, it may feel as if every day is a month.IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW LONG BUT THAT YOU WORK ON YOURSELF.It can take longer if you were not working on yourself correctly and spiritually. Nobody can tell you how to work on yourself or what your life lessons are. There are ego involved and emotions that can run wild when it comes to your Twin flame.For example, if you found someone coming up to you and telling you that you have life lessons to learn and you need to have more patience with yourself and others, to stop complaining but love yourself.Although this sounds like great advice, if somebody actually approached you without warning, your ego may fully change to defense mode. Release and surrender is the key.Know that constructive criticism is all part of the soul journey that you are on. Life lessons will happen throughout your whole life and they are to help you grow, especially when it comes to your divine counterpart and coming into Union.Spirituality is the key when it comes to evolving spiritually. Working with a soul coach, spiritualist, reiki master, psychic can help you find ways of finding your soul center along with aligning your chakras. Meditation is essential for healing.MEDITATION Meditating on a daily basis is essential for not only coming into union with your divine partner but with helping you find your inner truth and connect to your higher self to help you find a Perfect balance within yourself.  This can also help you to telepathically communicate and connect with your divine counterpart or Twin flame. Messages will come through from your Twin Flame, and you are able to reciprocate.It is very powerful but takes time to be mastered. Either way, connecting to your higher self will help you to grow and evolve. Along with connecting to self-love and lifting your vibration is the key to the union.If you have a question about your Soulmate, Twin flame or romantic person, just fill out the form below and if I’m able to tune in to your situation, I will send you a mini reading by email.

Twin flames runner experiences negative energy

The runner feels just as much pain as the chaser but tries to ignore it.
They don’t know how to express what they feel so they just run from it but it’s never permanent.

The twin flames runner chaser connection does come to an end and they both can come to our divine union.

This is the time they both become stayers. This is not something that can be predicted, sometimes they will go through years being separated from their twin. Everyone’s situation is different and unique Soulmate and Twin flame Unions can never be predicted.

We have to work on ourselves to correct karma. Developing our spiritual abilities (we all have them) and learning to truly love ourselves. In the meantime it is not meant to be unhappy waiting for your Twin flame to come to an awakening. We are sent people in our lives to help us complete our Soul purpose.

We all have more than one soulmate, these are choices that only you can make when it comes to finding your true happiness.

Twin flames Chasers are always trying to correct and help the runner find their way. The dynamic energy changes.

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