Twin flames/Soulmates.
We have more than one type of Soulmate and they can enter our lives as friends or life partners, a Twin flame is part of the Soulmate Collective.
When Soulmates enter in our lives, they are people who are sent to help us correct the mistakes and help us understand ourselves and our spiritual journey.
As we meet so many, they can cause us pain and heartache. But then another comes into our life to finally complete us.
When you first meet someone, you automatically think: could this be my eternal Soulmate or Twin flame? Many times learning that it was just a life lesson to help you get stronger.

Twin flames are the other half of our souls.
They are all unique and different. Many are meant to be in this lifetime with Soulmate but there are many who are incarnated with their twin flame.
Not that one is better than the other as I’ve mentioned before. But this is a pre-destined planned that was designed by the Divine, just for you in this lifetime.
Knowing that the main reason why the Soulmates enter in our lives is to help us grow spiritually inside ourselves.

When first meeting your Divine partner which can be a Soulmate or your Twin flame
You will automatically feel a sense of knowing that this person is going to change your life forever.
This can scare someone that they won’t even attempt a relationship. Sadly, it can go on for several years before they realize the truth. When you first meet your Twin flame, something awakens inside of you.
An instant knowing and healing manifest between them. The psychic energy amplifies the energy within your soul center. Twin flames are opened then ready to find one another. But as I mentioned, they are scared and try to block their inner emotion from their other half.

When they first meet, they first must accept the fact that this intense feeling is real.
Many times, they are not ready and it will create the Runner & Chaser phases. This can happen to both Soulmates and Twin flames.
Soulmate Connections are always spiritual energies. They are sent to help us with life lessons and that includes healing.
Many times, it can involve hurt and pain with emotional energy.Soulmates can be together when they’re very young and finding themselves in love with total bliss.
Then later find themselves in a committed relationship only to end into a bitter divorce.This was not something that happened by accident, that was pre-destined to help you through your life lesson as a steppingstone.
This is to help us get and be ultimately ready in the future for our Divine partner. Preparing to meet your Divine partner; this includes Twin flames, Twin rays, and eternal Soulmates.
There is a certain release and surrendering of energies to purify your soul and to come together as one with your Divine Soul partner.
Twin flames can be the most beautiful relationship but also the most intense. How did something so beautiful turn so painful with a flip of a switch? This is when the Runner & Chaser stages begin.

What is a Runner & Chaser phase?
Runners or not, this Runner is running away from the Chaser, or is the Chaser chasing the Runner but they’re actually trying to find one another energetically.
A Runner is automatically running from something inside themselves after meeting their Twin flame, they were not prepared or ready yet.
They can run for several months and the separation can be very painful for both Twins.
The Twin flame Runner is not happy although on the outside may look like everything is fine. Runners are lost and out in the dark when it comes to meeting their Twin.
Where the Chaser understands and he is totally aware that this is something far greater than what is on the surface between them both.
Eventually, the Runner does see the truth and will come back. This is when both the Runner & the Chaser have to work on themselves. This is their True purpose and Soul mission.

How to heal and understand the separation with your Twin flame?
1. Stop stressing on when they will come back, your Twin needs to work on themselves, just as you do.
This is actually doing more damage than good. You are sending this type of energy to each other. Remotely you both can feel one another’s energy.
Twin flames can telepathically communicate when they are spiritually advanced.
2. Your primary focus is loving yourself.
I know you hear this all the time about loving yourself and focusing on working.
But many times, we don’t actually do this.
Do something special for yourself, I always suggest a good massage, yoga class for deep meditation to raise your vibration.
3. Releasing toxic energy
Taking care of yourself with eating healthy and clean is always a priority. Also getting some physical activity is crucial when releasing toxic energy out of your body.
This can be any type of exercise with aerobic class, Zumba, Barre or even walking. This helps with the healing process by getting your mind clear from clutter.
4. Meditation and Spirituality
Finding your inner self is crucial. Looking into your Soul center and meditation will help do just that.
This is the best time to help you relax and it can be very therapeutic, I like to suggest yoga since it does involve physical activity along with mind, body and spirit.
This will also help you connect easier with your Twin flame.
You may be able to send messages when you are in a meditational state.
This will also help you feel much more grounded and the healing will help you release old past wounds. We all accumulate them!
The most important thing is to remember that Twin flames are on a Soul mission together.
As they work on themselves simultaneously, they also field one another to a higher 5D level. Always remember to love yourself first.
Many times your energy is in a lower place and you need a higher vibration.
This will help attract the light all around you and manifest your Soul connection.
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