Soulmates and Twin Flames, twin flames union

Twin Flames Separation – Getting through obstacles

Twin flames separation prior to divine union can create anxiety. Twin flames Separation prior union. They need to work on themselves separately in order to come together as one. We do have more than one Soulmate that enters in our lifetimes. They all are unique and serve a divine purpose. Twin-flames are very special because… Read More Twin Flames Separation – Getting through obstacles

Psychic Energy, Soulmates and Twin Flames

Lions Gateway Portal & The Twin Flame Journey

Lions Gateway Portal Lions gateway opening started on 7/26 and will peak on 8/8 and go on until 8/12. There will be intense Energy shifts for twin flames. The Lions gateway energy portal triggers our soul center and activates the energy deep inside our core to a higher level with deeper emotions and purging negativities. What does… Read More Lions Gateway Portal & The Twin Flame Journey

Soulmates and Twin Flames, twin flames union, Uncategorized

Twinflames: How do you know you met yours?

Twinflames are intense connections, that mirror your soul. Throughout our life we meet several different types of soulmates and spiritual connections.  Many times we don’t realize that we are soulmates or that we share a spiritual bond with that person. I’m always asked how I will meet my twin flame, soulmate, Twin, Twin Ray etc. These are… Read More Twinflames: How do you know you met yours?

Psychic Energy, Soulmates and Twin Flames, twin flames union

11:11 ~ What does this mean for Soulmates & Twin flames?

1111 is very spiritual and represents symbolic energy. 11/11 is a very powerful number in numerology. This is considered the master number. You may see 1111 pop-up sporadically. They can appear on clocks, microwaves, watches, license plates, smartphones, and many other places. Then asking yourself:Is this a message from the universe?Is my Twin flame sending… Read More 11:11 ~ What does this mean for Soulmates & Twin flames?