Twin flame Runner

There are different types of spiritual connections that we meet in our lifetime.
Some are more intense energetically than others and some involve more drama, chaos and negativity while coming into a divine union in Harmony.
Though some may be very unique, they all share one thing in common and that is the Twin flame Runner and Chaser phases, that all soul mate energies connection can experience. In the beginning, there’s a magnetic pull as they get closer and stronger; one usually will pull away because of fear or doubt.

This is commonly known as the Twin flame Runner and Chaser stages.
The Twin flame connection has many different types of stages. The runner and Chaser Dynamic is caused by internal conflict and ego. Many times, there are previous soul wounds and emotional issues that can rise very high in the early stages of merging with the twin flame energy bond.
The Runner is running from something more eternal and not realizing why they are running. This can be a series of arguments and back-and-forth reconciling and then disconnection. There may be some narcissistic behavior because of ego-based energies attached.
In this type of situation, the Chaser is actually the more advanced and mature soul where the Runner is actually the one who is not aware and mature enough to understand their soul purpose together.
The Twin flame Runner and Chaser dynamic can last for several months and sometimes for years.
It’s never good to continue to chase and try to nudge the runner back. Understanding why the twin flame runner runs, can be confusing. It may not be the reasons that you are assuming, like it was for you. But actually it has nothing to do with how they feel about their twin.
They are healing from internal conflict deep inside their core.
There are many different reasons why they are running. Not everyone is the same; for example some runners may run because they are blocking the feeling of a lack of love or abandonment that could’ve started from their childhood.
Many are afraid of love and don’t know how to express themselves because of their own past emotions. And for some, it has a lot to do with the intensity of feeling for someone that they barely even know, that scares them when it comes to love and commitments.
No matter how long the twin flame runner runs, there will be something that will pull them back to their soulmate. It will happen sooner or later, never putting a time on exactly how long because of them learning their own life lessons and this may take time.
You may read many different theories about twin flames (soul connections) runners and chasers.
The one thing they all have in common is that both Runners and Chasers need each other to fulfill their own life lesson and complete their soul mission purpose together.
Does the Twin flame Runner ever return?
It’s something you may ask. The answer is simple “YES”. The twin flame Runner always returns.
It’s just the how and when that is actually up to them both. There are many life lessons to get through in order to surrender to divine union.Your situation may be different than other twin flame Runner and Chaser stages.
But you know deep in your heart that you can’t give up and that something is pulling you both together.Yes, there may be doubts about “is this truly a Twin flame or false Twin?”
When negativity and chaos break, it seems that it is clear and when we don’t want that person to be our twin flame but we want to call it either a false twin or a karmic connection.
When you start doubting because of the negativity that is involved, it becomes more clear that this is a twin flame since twin flames never have it easy before coming into a divine union.
Both twin flames are faced with inner conflict that they know their souls are healing when they meet their twin.
But then the mind can take over (ego), which can plant seeds of confusion and doubt that keeps creeping up and nagging them with an energy of inner turmoil.
As a twin flame runner runs, the runner knows that there is something more beyond this relationship that will always bring them back home.
No matter where they are at, they always feel their soul bond stronger and sometimes it may take longer than other times to unite.
The one thing I highly recommend is meditation and positive affirmations in order to help with Soulmate and twin flame divine union to come together smoothly.
If you have a question about your Soulmate, Twin flame or romantic person, just fill out the form below and if I’m able to tune in to your situation, I will send you a mini reading by email.
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