Soulmates and Twin Flames, twin flames union

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon: Awakening for Twin flames

Lunar eclipse full moon happens on 10/14/2024. Creating an incredible impact on Soulmates & Twin flames connections.

There are more people now who realize and acknowledge they are involved in a Soulmate or a Twin flame love connection. They know that there is a soul process that needs to be met before they can live in unity. Twin flames are unique and the other half of each other. They were separated prior to entering incarnation in this world. Many times if they are not able to meet in the current life (usually because one is separated through passing away), it will continue on to the next lifetime. Twin flames don’t always enter the world at the same time. Everyone has one, but many times don’t understand the concept of what a divine partner means. Twin flames are part of the Soulmate collective but very different from a Soulmate. They share one another’s soul and can vibrate higher together as one. When we meet a Twin flame, everything falls into place but sometimes it is not always a perfect world. Twin flames go through a lot of difficulties with connecting to each other. When they are unable to meet their Twin flame, there are other types of Soulmates that are sent to us. Twin flames are not the only main divine counterparts that can experience internal love. There are many different types of Soulmates that experience this higher vibration 5D just as the Twin flames feel. Twin flames need to work on themselves. This work has to take a lot out of them as they need to be sometimes separated from one another. Twin flames can telepathically communicate but need to come into total balance with both divine masculine and feminine energies. Twin flames can share similarities with the Soulmate connection. Twin flames are part of the Soulmate collective. But every Soulmate that we need is on a different level and intensity with one another. When Twin flames are not available to meet up right away, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put your life on hold when it comes to dating or communicating with other people. Don’t analyze or try to label each person you meet. You can have a deep spiritual connection with someone that may not be meant for you for the future but is actually to help you and guide you to your divine counterpart. Meeting your Twin is a soul mission in life and in order to find it, you must explore other relationships. Sometimes it can mean living with someone having children and a family before meeting your divine counterpart. This may sound like a waste of time or very sad but it is part of life and many times we don’t even realize that we are with someone who is sent to us on a temporary basis. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to leave that person but it is there to help guide you and to help that person as well. This may very well be a soul connection. We have to experience life lessons and spiritual tests in order to evolve spiritually and find our true path with our divine counterpart. They are connected to you no matter what you may decide to do in your life. We all have free will. Soulmates can experience just as much energy vibration many times even higher than others. They can also help Twin flames find one another. More than one Soulmate entering our lives all hold a special purpose that we must not ignore, but follow what your intuition is telling you. Remember many times Twin flames will be ready to meet up at all in a person's life. Soulmates will inspire you and motivate you to help you on your soul journey. We can experience negativity and chaos before meeting our divine counterparts. It’s all part of the process that is necessary for us to find true peace and love in our hearts. You must love yourself before you’re able to find your divine counterpart. Always follow what your heart tells you and not with who you think you’re supposed to be with, analyzing the situation will only make things harder to find true love.

Full moons are unique and have an effect on everyone

This will create a very powerful effect that can be felt three days prior and three days after the full moon eclipse. As we are in the astrological sign of Virgo, it will create extra sensitivity to emotional energy. 

With a combination of venus in retrograde, your senses will be heightened.  Especially when it comes to love.

Divine counterparts will have a stronger sentimental streak with past energies becoming more sensitive and emotionally vulnerable when it comes to their feelings.

The full moon/Lunar Eclipse is a very spiritual and an excellent time for meditating and setting positive intentions.

The full moon lunar eclipse creates balance and the need to be grounded. As many of you know, full moons will have an effect on your energy, being heightened when it comes to loved ones.

Be very cautious when you are communicating with people you care about and love. They may sometimes affect you emotionally, but you may see something that you did, not realizing that it offended them. 

Be very mindful of your words. Also, you can feel very sensitive and it’s best not to take anything personally

During this time with the Celestial events happening, it will have a strong impact on all Soulmates, Twin flames and divine counterparts. Many issues will be brought out in the open.

So keep in mind that this influence of the full moon eclipse can create some disagreements. When you say something, try to say it with love and keep it right to the point.

The full Moon lunar eclipse has a big impact on divine soul love connections (Soulmates, Twin flames, Twin rays, and Karmics). Every month we experience a very unique full Moon.The energy varies with each full Moon. On January 13th we have a full moon in Cancer. This full Moon is a very strong emotion.Making the energy much more intense and powerful. This is the first full Moon for 2025. The full Moon in Cancer affects emotions, feelings and energies when it comes to relationships. Especially divine love connections such as Soulmates and Twin flame connections. It will have an effect in a very emotional and sensitive way. When it comes to Soulmates and Twin flames. A full moon eclipse will affect the emotional in a much deeper way because of their spiritual connection.Being aware of your love relationship.. You may be experiencing disagreements and even a “falling out” that may be causing separation.You will be able to feel the high intensity from this full-moon. It is in our atmosphere that we all will be able to feel the high vibrational energy.The weather is also affected.Because of the way the full Moon influences our atmosphere and environment.  As you may have noticed the weather in 2025 is not the typical winter/summers we usually experience.This is a very rare Spiritual and Celestial event. This energy will feel almost like huge waves and ripples in our love lives. How to empower yourself with the full moon? The full-moon is a good time to release and surrender. Combined with the lunar eclipse, this will help purge away emotional negativities. It’s a time to find closure in restitution as you find peace in a love relationship. Not necessarily letting go of the relationship itself, but releasing emotional and internal conflict.This is the time to pay attention to signs and what is being brought to you, especially at the beginning of 2025. Soulmates and Twin flames will experience deeper energy shifts.The fullmoon in Cancer combined with the lunar eclipse will bring a better understanding and activating an alignment with new energy to work with throughout the year.You will be feeling a higher sensitivity will be felt throughout this weekend. There will be a feeling of letting go and releasing.  The same time opening for new beginnings with love doesn’t necessarily mean a new relationship with new energy forming. The full moon in Cancer can also help with reuniting a love relationship that has been in separation. As they find union coming in closer to a 5D level. Reflection and meditation during a full moon.In order to find harmony, they must first examine themselves thoroughly. By releasing any negative energy that may have been accumulated. Be very cautious with certain discussions with loved ones and family as the energy and Cancer affect families. It can affect you emotionally and trigger past old wounds and insecurity.This will affect many different types of relationships not only romantic but with people who are close to you in general. The full moon in Cancer rules over emotions. Be aware of this full moo because of unexpected emotional and internal imbalances.You may be more sensitive and empathic.Your emotions will be affected the most and through the roof. Try to keep yourself at a distance from people who may trigger you. Intense time for all love relationships. The lunar eclipse is also a good time to work out unresolved issues with your ex or who have been distant.  As you let go and release, you will be able to find your inner truth. As this will enable you to make amends and come to a reconciliation. Higher energy, mood swings and anxiety.This eclipse can also create uncertainty about future events and trigger off anxiety. It’s advisable not to make any decision or come to conclusions about anything that you are unsure about. Avoid analyzing anything too deep. This could mean a lot of things, but it’s more important not to investigate BF/GF on social media. It could be tempting, but as your energy is heightened. Sometimes there may be certain things that may be analyzed completely off.Try not to overreact. As your energy goes in overdrive, you may be feeling like you’re on an emotional roller coaster. That a volcano is ready to erupt, try to take it slow. The full Moon is a very emotional and supercharge time.The full moon will increase your sensitivity and can bring up heated emotions from the past. As they resurface and make you dig deeper to find answers. This is a good time to make positive changes in your life and set out positive intentions. Use your inner strength and power by letting go of ego and fear. Meditation and spirituality. This is actually an excellent time to connect with your soul center.  Tuning in to the intuitive Wisdom inside your soul center. This full Moon will bring a very celestial spiritual event that can empower and change your life forever. This is a very intense time within the full Moon at the very beginning of 2025.  It can linger on for a few months, just take it one day at a time as you become more grounded during this year. Spiritual and Psychic EnergyIt’s highly recommended to align your chakras, get more in tune with spirituality, which includes Reiki to heal and balance.  Psychic and Tarot/Oracle readings to avoid obstacles and know how to manage challenges. This can also help with soul guidance. Also Astrology and Numerology charts made up especially now, during the very beginning of 2025.  It is an exciting time to know what to expect with a reading/forecast. Cleansing your crystals and stones to empower your mediations. The psychic energies are heightened. It’s an excellent time for any type of spiritual session/reading.  Charging and cleansing your crystals in the moonlight.It is ideal leaving them in the moonlight as the moon rejuvenates and energizes them for your spiritual purpose. Meditation/cleansing with sage smudging is essential when it comes to meditation and aligning your chakras.

 “Soulmate/Twin flame blood moon”. 

Because of the energy and the effects it has on divine counterparts, there is an energy being brought out to the surface.

Be prepared, as your love relationship can be affected by this full moon. It can create emotional upheaval and disagreement that can create a break in the relationship.

For divine partners who are separated, reconciling is very high during retrogrades and especially with a full moon eclipse.

It doesn’t matter if you are able to see it where you live, the energy will be in the Atmosphere.

Eclipses also help with releasing and purging emotional negativities. This can also bring closure and restitution to find peace in your relationship.

We’ve been seeing many shifts with divine partners over the last month. Venus retrograde helps them reach the  5D as they examine themselves. Reflecting on everything from their past, this is a time to release the ego and dominance.

Lunar eclipse full moon creates an incredible impact on Soulmates & Twin flames.

Full moons are unique and have an effect on everyone
This will create a very powerful effect that can be felt three days prior and three days after the full moon eclipse.
As we are in the astrological sign of Virgo, it will create extra sensitivity to emotional energy. 

With a combination of venus in retrograde, your senses will be heightened.  Especially when it comes to love.

Divine counterparts will have a stronger sentimental streak with past energies becoming more sensitive and emotionally vulnerable when it comes to their feelings.

This is very spiritual and this is an excellent time for meditating and setting positive intentions.
The full moon lunar eclipse creates balance and the need to be grounded. As many of you know, full moons will have an effect on your energy, being heightened when it comes to loved ones.

Be very cautious when you are communicating with people you care about and love. They may sometimes affect you emotionally, but you may see something that you did, not realizing that it offended them. 

Be very mindful of your words. Also, you can feel very sensitive and it’s best not to take anything personally

During this time with the Celestial events happening, it will have a strong impact on all Soulmates, Twin flames and divine counterparts. Many issues will be brought out in the open.

So keep in mind that this influence of the full moon eclipse can create some disagreements. When you say something, try to say it with love and keep it right to the point.

 “Soulmate/Twin flame blood moon”. 
Because of the energy and the effects it has on divine counterparts, there is an energy being brought out to the surface.

Be prepared, as your love relationship can be affected by this full moon. It can create emotional upheaval and disagreement that can create a break in the relationship.

For divine partners who are separated, reconciling is very high during retrogrades and especially with a full moon eclipse.

It doesn’t matter if you are able to see it where you live, the energy will be in the Atmosphere.

Eclipses also help with releasing and purging emotional negativities. This can also bring closure and restitution to find peace in your relationship.

We’ve been seeing many shifts with divine partners over the last month. Venus retrograde helps them reach the  5D as they examine themselves. Reflecting on everything from their past, this is a time to release the ego and dominance

They are humbling themselves within their spirit by letting go of anything that affects them emotionally.

There are also other types of relationships that can be impacted. It does not have to be only romantic but with people in general.
The moon rules over emotions. Your emotions can be skyrocketed to the extreme, that you may feel centered.

The lunar eclipse is the best time for working out unresolved issues, even if it has pain associated. There are many relationships that will benefit from expressing their truth.

Eclipses are extreme emotional surges.
Sometimes you may be triggered very easily and all past wounds can resurface. Remember that this is a time, if they come up it’s time to let them go and find inner strength by releasing the ego.

That may be preventing you from evolving in your relationship.
This is an excellent time to connect with your heart center. By spiritually tuning to your inner voice.

You will be able to hear the messages that are being given to you.
This is a very intense and spiritual lunar eclipse. Many times. The energy can linger on for a month. We are still recovering from the previous one. Eclipse season has been an emotional roller coaster.

The psychic energy is heightened, this is the best time to give or get a reading. A perfect time for energy clearing, Reiki, Crystal cleansing, and meditation.

If you have questions about your situation, for a limited time I offer one free question.

They are humbling themselves within their spirit by letting go of anything that affects them emotionally.

There are also other types of relationships that can be impacted. It does not have to be only romantic but with people in general.
The moon rules over emotions. Your emotions can be skyrocketed to the extreme, that you may feel centered.

The lunar eclipse is the best time for working out unresolved issues, even if it has pain associated. There are many relationships that will benefit from expressing their truth.

Eclipses are extreme emotional surges.

Sometimes you may be triggered very easily and all past wounds can resurface. Remember that this is a time, if they come up it’s time to let them go and find inner strength by releasing the ego.

That may be preventing you from evolving in your relationship.
This is an excellent time to connect with your heart center. By spiritually tuning to your inner voice.

You will be able to hear the messages.

This is a very intense and spiritual lunar eclipse. Many times. The energy can linger on for a month. We are still recovering from the previous one. Eclipse season has been an emotional roller coaster.

The psychic energy is heightened, this is the best time to give or get a reading. A perfect time for energy clearing, Reiki, Crystal cleansing, and meditation.

If you have questions about your situation, for a limited time I offer one free question.

If you have a question about your Soulmate, Twin flame or romantic person, just fill out the form below and if I’m able to tune in to your situation, I will send you a mini reading by email.

One Question per person

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